इत्येवं वदन्ति जनजल्पनिर्भयाः एकमताः कुमार-व्यास-शुक-शाण्डिल्य-गर्ग-विष्णु-कौण्डिन्य शेषोद्धवारुणि-बलि-हनुमद्विभीषणादयो भक्त्याचार्याः ।। 83 ।।
83.The Spiritual Guides of Devotion are as follows : सनत्कुमार, व्यास, शुक, शाणडिल्य, गर्ग, विष्णु, कौण्डिन्य, शेष, उद्धव, आरुणि, बलि, हनुमन्त, विभीषण, etc. In this manner, all of them, without fearing to the babble of people, join together to tell ( these aphorisms).
- Here, names of many Spiritual Guides of Devotion are written to inform the following aspect : All of them have agreed that devotion itself is the main expedient for the attainment of the Highest Object of desire of life (परमपुरुषार्थ); and, all of them have consented the subject matter of this scripture.
Here, names of व्यास, गर्ग and शाण्डिल्य – are included in the list of the Spiritual Guides of Devotion; when ( in 16 to 18 aphorisms) the mark of devotion was mentioned, different special opinions of these Guides were explained; but, here, it is affirmed that any Spiritual Guide of Devotion doesn’t have any difference of opinion regarding the Own Form of Devotion.
One स्मृति – sentence tells : A Spiritual Guide (आचार्य) explains the opinion of scriptures, establishes them in the conduct (आचार) and, himself, observes accordingly. We don’t have authorities to decide that whether the above said Spiritual Guides have written books of scriptures of devotion; still, these guides have shown by their conduct that they were the best of the devotees; and, this can be understood by श्रुति, इतिहास and पुराणाः where these guides are inquired. Devotion is the Principle which is attainable through experience; therefore, there is no doubt that the practice of theses guides is the model to the practitioners of devotion.
जनजल्पनिर्भयाः (Those who are without fearing to the babble of people) – is an attribute which is given to the Spiritual Guides of Devotion; therefore, the devotees are only devoted to God and they are absorbed in God; hence, they don’t have the fear to the babbling of the people. That attribution indicates the principle that in their view, God alone is seen everywhere. It is clearly known through श्रुति, स्मृति and पुराणाः that for the faithful investigators of devotion these guides of devotion behaved like models.
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Nicely explained